Solotica comes in 5 different series. Solotica Hidrocor, Solotica Natural Colors, Solotica Hidrocharme, Solotica Solflex and Solotica Hidrocor Monthly.
Solotica Hidrocor and Solotica Hidrocor Monthly are 100% same, the difference being the last mentioned is just as monthly lenses and whereas Solotica Hidrocor is annual lenses. The Hidrocor series is without a ring or edge.
Solotica Natural Colors and Solflex are also 100% the same where Solflex is like monthly lenses and Solotica Natural Colors annual lenses. The Natural series comes with a soft ring or edge.
Solotica Hidrocharme is available only as annual lenses, and comes as lenses with strong ring or edge.
Solotica's Hidrocor series is definitely the most popular. The color Quartzo is actually the most sold color in the whole world. But at the last, the other colors like flour, Ocre, Cristal, Topazio and Ice are also blied extremely popular.
Solotica Natural Colors series are also popular. More and more choose the Natural series as it does not give the overwhelming change as the Hidrocor series.